About Me


Rie here.

Welcome to my Blog!

I used to be so obsessed with blog reviews back in my teenage days...

But recently, I feel like people don't make many blog contents anymore...

That's why, I decided to create this blog as my journal! I'll mostly post random stuffs about things that I like and enjoy. I can just easily make a video contents on streaming sites, but I think writing/typing in general is way more therapeutic than making videos. 

As for now, I'm working as a Freelance Illustrator, Graphic Designer, and Fashion Illustration Teacher. I love art & design with all my heart and would love to share my interest to all of you!

I'm a huge fan of many things, actually!

I can talk about games, anime, manga, beauty, cooking, sewing, crafts, even japanese idols! I have too many interests to share!!! Please look forward to that, haha

I hope this Blog/Journal of mine can entertain, and be useful to many people. Also,you can always communicate with me through the comment section on all of my posts! I'll read them all and reply to you!

Just think of me as your online friend 

I'm Indonesian and I speak both Indonesian (bahasa) and English. There are possibilities that I'll write blog posts in either English or Indonesian. But worry not, I put a translate gadget on my page with hope that many people can read & understand my contents (although the translations from Google aren't always accurate though...)

I hope you enjoy the contents of this random journal of mine... 

Love you all 

*Btw, I have an older Blog that somehow got deleted by Google. Some of the earlier posts from this Blog are reposted from that old Blog and might still be using the old watermark (rierukeirieru). However, the newer posts will be using the new watermark (riekeirieru). 


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